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Amare Global-The Mental Wellness Company

Amare Global-The Mental Wellness Company


Amare Global-The Mental Wellness Company

6536 Riverridge Pl
Caseville, MI 48725 | map | directions
Mental Un-wellness is a growing problem. The statistics are staggering. -1 in 4 Americans (nearly 80 million) will experience a mental health challenge this year. -We spend an estimated $1 trillion on mental wellness imbalances in the U.S. -Depression has now topped the #1 cause of disability in our country. -30% of college students reported feeling “significant” depression. It is Not uncommon for 1 in 4 college students under pressure to perform Academically will use ADHD drugs to act as a “study drug” -6.1 million children ages 2-17 will be diagnosed with ADHD and 6 in 10 Will be on medication. The risk of a three year old being diagnosed with ADHD is now more than 40% -Nearly 9,000 calls to suicide prevention pertained to those who were using pills to commit suicide. We can add everyone who is suffering from anxiety, stress addiction, pain management, PTSD, auto-immune conditions, menopause etc. and we can see that Americans are suffering. There isn’t a family who hasn’t experienced some sort of mental un-wellness struggle. We assumed that everything that we were experiencing was somehow related to our brains. Medical science has uncovered that that is not the case. We actually have 2 “brains” and one of them is in our gut. Caring for both brains is essential for optimal mental wellness. 80% of our immune system is actually in our gut. The gut is responsible for making most of the serotonin and dopamine in our system. The gut actually sends 400+ messages to the brain. When we are experiencing un-wellness it is because the gut brain axis is blocked. Those messages are not getting to your brain. Overtime many of us develop what is known as leaky gut. That is when the gut developes small holes in it that allow microscopic particles from our gut to escape into our blood system. This causes inflammation and can lead to a whole host of issues such as auto-immune. Another cause of leaky gut is when our bodies become over-whelmed with bad bacteria. It is important to restore the gut micro flora to the right balance so the gut and the brain can communicate once again. Amare products help to restore that balance. I have seen it in my own family and others. The testimonials are incredible. If you are interested in learning more contact me. We actually have a couple of closed facebook groups that you can be added to learn more about the products and how they are working or have questions. AmareGlobal actually just launched in September, 2017 and has already won the coveted “Nutra” award. This is un-heard of in a company that is so young, also Mental Health America, which is an organization that has been around for over 40 years has invited our chief science officer to be a break-out speaker at their conference in Washington DC this year to talk about the gut brain axis and they are using Amare’s video in their promotions for their conference. Amare in Latin means “to love”. Love is a universal language. Yet, in order to truly love others you must love yourself first. The core values of this company are Love, Integrity, Innovation, Service and Humility. Everyone who is in Amare tries to stay true to these core values. One of the things that drew me to Amare was precisely those things and the fact that if you reach a certain rank in Amare the company will actually help you set up a foundation. What is it that you dream about? What speaks to your heart? “The vision at Amare Global is to empower people to live happier and healthier lives. By inspiring them to see the world differently, we believe they will have the desire to live an extraordinary life” They say that timing is everything. More people are willing to speak up about the issues they are facing. Just know that you are not alone. There is help. Join Amare as a wellness partner or a customer. The important thing is that you join to start leading the extraordinary life you wish for yourself and your family. #breakthesilence #endthestigma #mentalhealthawareness #guthealth #recovery
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 (Date: 3/14/2025)